Free "Homefires' Homeschool Teleconference"! |
Thursday, April 28, 2011,
4-5 p.m. PST, 6-7 p.m. Central, 7-8 p.m. EST
Join your host, Diane Flynn Keith for...
Radical Unschooling
With Special Guest, Sandra Dodd
Author of "Moving a Puddle, and Other Essays" and
"Sandra Dodd's Big Book of Unschooling"
Have you heard of "Radical Unschooling" and wonder what it
means? Join us for this teleconference when Sandra Dodd, who introduced the concept
of "Radical Unschooling," will demystify the genre and explain how the
philosophy and lifestyle differ from unschooling and homeschooling.
Sandra Dodd writes and speaks about radical unschooling. She lives
in New Mexico with her husband Keith, son Marty (22) and daughter Holly (19). Her
oldest, Kirby (24), lives in Austin, Texas. Those three were unschooled throughout,
and are all past school age, but not past learning! Neither are their parents.
Sandra is a former English teacher whose other jobs have all involved
words, ideas and learning too. Her hobby is helping other parents find ways to live
more richly and peacefully with their children.
This live teleconference is Free.
Availability is Limited. Advance Registration is Required.
This event is designed for a diverse, all-inclusive, non-sectarian audience.
Once you register for the call, send your questions for Sandra Dodd
in advance of the call to:
Recordings of this event will be accessible for a small fee. Information
on how to download and listen to the call will be sent to you within a few days after
each call.
I can't wait for you to join me on this call!
Availability is Limited.
Reserve Your Spot Now by Registering Below.
Note: You will receive the call-in telephone number a few days
before the call. Be sure to look for it in your email inbox.
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That's my pledge to you, pure and simple.
Diane Flynn Keith
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