Save Time and Money,
Ease Your Anxiety, and Make Homeschooling
A Whole Lot of Fun!
Just listen to these...
Audio Homeschool Helpers!
From the comfort of your own home you can listen
to an informative and inspiring presentation that includes interviews with experts and
authors designed to help you have the best homeschool experience possible! These presentations
are recordings of Homefires' Homeschool Teleconferences with host, Diane Flynn Keith.
Some of the audio recordings include a printable pdf "Directory"
that lists the resources (with links to the corresponding websites) that were mentioned on the call.
"I just wanted to thank you for hosting the
conference call. I really learned a lot and appreciate all the resources you
make available. Looking forward to the next one!"
~ Rhonda, a
teleconference participant from New Jersey
BONUS: If you aren't already a subscriber,
you will receive a free subscription to Diane's e-Newsletters, Carschooling and
Select the calls you want
to hear now by clicking on the titles below...
Founder of Zero Tuition College and author of
College Without High School
Is a college degree the only ticket to a higher education and
a successful life? Blake Boles will answer this question and talk about
his new book, "Better Than College," that challenges readers not
to forfeit the most productive and promising years of their life to earning
a college degree while racking up student loan debt.
If you wonder about skipping college, Blake will provide insight,
advice, resources, and simple ways to begin the journey of leading the self-directed
life of your dreams.
Includes: MP3 Download: $9.97

Founder of
Former High School Science Teacher,
Author, Homeschool Mom, and the founder of
This teleconference is for parents of homeschoolers and unschoolers
of all ages (preschool through high school) who struggle with teaching science.
Teresa explains what you can do to remove the fear and anxiety about teaching
science to help your children gain proficiency.
Teresa is on a one-woman mission to change how we teach science to
children — and you won't want to miss her revolutionary views and thought-provoking
Includes: MP3 Download: $9.97

Founder of
Co-founder of the Learning Success Institute
Author of "Discover Your Child's Learning Style"
Mariaemma explains why some brains are not hard-wired for writing
and what you can do to help them gain proficiency.
Mariaemma also reveals some tips and techniques for helping non-print
learners learn to write. Find out how using the skills of observation, brainstorming,
and organization can make all the difference. Get some strategies for guiding people
of all ages to write sentences, paragraphs, and reports.
Includes: MP3 Download: $9.97

Founder of
"Class Dismissed" is a documentary film that examines the validity
of homeschooling and unschooling as an alternative to the industrial school model. At a
time when education across the nation is in a state of crisis, the film examines the numerous
approaches to home learning.
Jeremy talks about his own homeschooling experience and his views on education.
He will also give us a behind-the-scenes look at how and why this film is being made.
Includes: MP3 Download: $9.97

Founder of
"Unplugged Mom"
In this teleconference Laurette talks about the difference between schooling
and learning and the ways in which conventional schooling and standardized curriculum lead
to compulsory behaviors and to the detriment of the mental, physical, spiritual and intellectual
well being of people.
Find out how to unplug from mainstream assumptions in learning and living,
disconnect from the artificial process of life, and discover the freedom and joy in
learning and living more organically!
Includes: MP3 Download: $9.97

Author of
"Earn It, Learn It: Teach Your Child the Value of Money, Work, and Time Well Spent"
Alisa Weinstein is the "Kids & Cash" Commentator on PBS'
Nightly Business Report and she describes her innovative program that helps kids
learn the value of money by test-driving real careers!
Discover how kids choose from one of 50 fun careers such as a toy designer,
paleontologist, or chef and complete it within a set amount of time to earn while they
learn. Alisa's activity-lessons incorporate subjects like math, science, language
arts, social sciences, and more!
Includes: MP3 Download: $9.97

Authors of
"Making the Choice: When Typical School Doesn't Fit Your Atypical Child"
Do you have a gifted, highly gifted, or perhaps twice-exceptional child?
(Twice-exceptional means gifted plus learning differences or "invisible disabilities.")
Then explore the options regarding educational choices and the path to making them.
Get answers and insight that will help you tailor an
educational experience that is perfectly suited to your child.
Corin Goodwin and Mika Gustavson will explain how to proactively create a
learning environment that will provide your children with the greatest possible chance
to soar.
Includes: MP3 Download: $9.97

Author of
"College Without High School: A Teenager's Guide to Skipping High School and Going to College"
Learn how independent teens can self-design their high school education,
bypass standardized curriculum, and still get into the college of their choice and
have the career of their dreams!
Blake also discusses the revolutionary concept of
"Zero Tuition College"
for self-directed learners. It's a vibrant community of students and mentors retaking
the college experience from the grips of ever-increasing tuition fees.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Co-Author of
"Finding Your Way:
Exploring Your Family's Educational Journey"
Michelle addresses questions and concerns and provides
advice on how to get back on track with renewed hope and inspiration!
Michelle Barone, M.A., M.F.T., is a veteran homeschool mom
and licensed family therapist who, for the last 20 years, has worked
primarily with families who homeschool their children. Michelle's two
young adult children were unschooled their entire lives.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Author of "Sandra Dodd's Big Book of Unschooling"
Sandra Dodd, explains how the
"Radical Unschool"
philosophy and lifestyle differ from unschooling and homeschooling in practice and in theory.
Sandra is a former English teacher whose other jobs have all involved words, ideas
and learning too. Her hobby is helping other parents find ways to live more richly and peacefully
with their children.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Author of "Opportunities After 'High School': Thoughts, Documents, Resources"
In this interview Wes Beach explores legal alternatives to conventional high school including:
- Charter school and private school options
- Alternatives for getting a high school diploma
- The GED and the CHSPE
- Attending community college
- Opportunities beyond schooling
Wes shares the keys to homeschool through the high school years, as self-directed
learning by confident, autonomous, self-aware people provides wonderful preparation for life
after homeschooling. Some teens find fulfillment in pursuing traditional academic subjects.
Those whose interests lead them elsewhere can easily afford to follow their interests, wherever
they lead, without sacrificing any future opportunities.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

If you ever wanted to know how homeschoolers turn out — this is a
unique opportunity to hear from a "Homeschool Grad." Janelle talks about
her homeschool experience and transitioning from homeschool to college and the real
world. She also discusses her book as well as a new branch of law practice —
Sharing Law.
Janelle's book, "The Sharing Solution," speaks to Americans'
growing desire to not only live more sustainably, but also save money and create
stronger communities. Sharing is a simple step anyone - young or old, rich or poor
— can take, right now, to make a difference. Join us on this call to find out
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Pat will demystify "unschooling" and share insight into this often
misunderstood way of learning.
Pat Farenga worked closely with the author and teacher John Holt who coined
the term "unschooling." Pat is the President of Holt Associates
and was the publisher of "Growing Without Schooling" magazine.
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource Directory"
in pdf format that includes the products and services (with links to the corresponding websites)
that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Jean Burk has written numerous articles about the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT. She has been
featured as an SAT expert on Good Day Dallas (Fox 4) and KXAS (NBC 5). She currently
travels and speaks about the importance of college preparation, and teaches her
"Master the SAT" Prep Class all over Texas.
Both her children received incredible scholarships because of their PSAT and SAT scores.
Her teaching DVD was released in the Spring of 2008, as well as the first edition of the
brand new VocabCafé Book Series intended to help teenagers and younger children
increase their knowledge of vocabulary words.
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource Directory"
in pdf format that includes the products and services (with links to the corresponding websites)
that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Jean Burk
Lee Binz is The HomeScholar. Her mission is "helping parents homeschool high school."
Lee and her husband Matt homeschooled their two boys, Kevin and Alex, from elementary through
High School.
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource Directory"
in pdf format that includes the products and services (with links to the corresponding websites)
that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Lee Binz
Kathy Kuhl began homeschooling in 1997, after years trying to help her son succeed in school
despite learning and attention problems. She homeschooled him for grades 4-12, then interviewed
64 homeschoolers for her book, Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner, a handbook for
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource Directory"
in pdf format that includes the products and services (with links to the corresponding websites)
that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Kathy Kuhl
Tammy Takahashi, author of "Zenschooling: Living A Fabulous & Fulfilling Life
Without School!" reveals how to bring a little Zen into your education at home,
and use the power of mindfulness and acceptance to create an amazing homeschool life.
Zen is the practice of choosing peace over drama, balance over dogma, and compassion
over judgment.
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource Directory"
in pdf format that includes the products and services (with links to the corresponding websites)
that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Mariaemma Willis, co-author of "Discover Your Child's Learning Style!" reveals
the 5 aspects of learning — and how knowing what they are can forever change the
way you homeschool your child and ensure success!
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource Directory"
in pdf format that includes the products and services (with links to the corresponding websites)
that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Mariaemma Willis
Diane Flynn Keith, the author of "Carschooling," shares all kinds
of innovative, educational, and fun games you can play in the car that will
take the whine out of drive time and turn your kids into "Road Scholars"!
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource
Directory" in pdf format that includes the products and services (with
links to the corresponding websites) that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Diane Flynn Keith
Renee and Mike Mosimanm, authors of "The Smarter Preschooler: Unlocking
Your Child's Intellectual Potential," will explain why preschool does
more harm than good for most children and how homeschooling is a better option.
Learn whether or not you need to buy a formal curriculum, how to make the most
of resources in the community, and how to optimize the home environment for
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource
Directory" in pdf format that includes the products and services (with
links to the corresponding websites) that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Renee and Mike Mosimanm
Rebecca Kochenderfer, Editor and Co-Founder of and the author
of "Homeschooling — and Loving It," will reveal her strategies
for homeschooling teens by helping them set goals to achieve their dreams!
When is the last time someone asked you what you WANT to do? Not HAVE to do or
NEED to do, but WANT to do.
What about with your schooling? Has anyone ever asked you what you WANT to learn,
or simply told you what you need to learn?
What are your dreams and goals?
In this teleconference, Rebecca explains how to customize your homeschooling
experience so that you get to spend your time on what matters to you the most.
Through her work as Editor of, Rebecca Kochenderfer has taught
this simple process to over two million homeschoolers. Rebecca's teens used
this process in their own homeschooling to help her son publish his first novel
at age 17, her daughter to dance with Ballet Austin at age 15, and her 13 year
old to be one of the few 8th graders to ever take the AP Biology exam. This 3-step
process works, and it can work for you. What are your dreams?
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource
Directory" in pdf format that includes the products and services (with
links to the corresponding websites) that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Rebecca Kochenderfer
Corin Barsily Goodwin
Corin Barsily Goodwin, Executive Director of Gifted Homeschoolers Forum,
provides you with answers, resources, and practical ways to nurture your
child's remarkable characteristics and abilities through homeschooling.
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource
Directory" in pdf format that includes the products and services (with
links to the corresponding websites) that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Gifted Children Resources
Author of "Homeschooling Boys - Gaining Maximum Success from Minimum Cooperation"
Tina Razzell, a decluttering expert and a homeschool mom of
4 children, reveals the tips and time management tools that will help you gain
control of the chaos, clutter, and clock.
If you don't love it or need it, then it's clutter and it has to go. If you
haven't used it for over a year then maybe you shouldn't be keeping it. You
will feel better and freer with less stuff, so start decluttering today.
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource
Directory" in pdf format that includes the products and services (with
links to the corresponding websites) that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Homeschool Specialist, Diane Flynn Keith, provides a quick-start guide to
homeschooling including a discussion of socialization and where to find
the BEST curriculum and resources!
This product includes the MP3 download of the full call, and a "Resource
Directory" in pdf format that includes the products and services (with
links to the corresponding websites) that were mentioned on the call.
Includes: MP3 Download & PDF file: $9.97

Find More Informative Articles by Diane Flynn Keith