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Homeschooling Catalogs

Chinaberry Book Service
Incredible book reviews, books, books-on-tape!

Cobblestone Publishing, Inc.
Catalog listing their magazine publications: Cobblestone (On American History), Calliope (On World History), Faces (On Multicultural Studies), Odyssey (On Science), FootSteps (On African-American Heritage), California Chronicles (On CA History), and AppleSeeds (for grades 2-4).

Critical Thinking Books & Software
1-800-458-4849. A catalog of workbooks and software designed to help develop critical thinking skills, improve academic performance, and develop problem-solving skills for life.

Beautiful, timeless, children's toys & games

Queue - The Best In Educational Software
338 Commerce Drive, Fairfield, CT 06430
1-800-232-2224. Catalog of educational software on language arts, math, social studies, life skills, health, science, foreign language, test preparation, and a teacher's grade book.

Rainbow Resource Center
1-888-841-3456. Extensive catalog of everything from textbooks to science kits - new, used, and recycled! Good prices on used materials.

Second Harvest Curriculum
First class act selling used books and materials.

Rudolph Steiner College Bookstore - Waldorf Education
A complete catalog of products and supplies for Waldorf-based education.

The Timberdoodle
A comprehensive educational product & toy catalog. Fischertechnik Homeline, Italic Handwriting System, Miquon Math & math manipulatives, art supplies, science games & videos, music, more.