The Homeschool Glossary Section T
A Directory of Homeschool Terminology for the Totally Confused
The Link Homeschool Newspaper
A FREE, all-inclusive national homeschool newspaper published by veteran homeschool
parents, Mary and Michael Leppert.
Thomas Jefferson Education (TJE)
A "leadership model of education" and according to the home website, it is based on the belief
that statesmanship is the product of a particular educational system, used by
the great leaders of the past (including America's Founding Fathers), but lost
to modern academia. Grounded in the belief in God and immutable moral law, it
is framed on the classics in all subject areas under the guidance of a committed
Basically, students read the classics, discuss them with a mentor who uses a Socratic-like
method of questioning to expand the student's understanding of what they read, and then,
the student writes about it. TJE is designed for young adults (age 12 and up, and sometimes
later for boys) -- when they have the physical maturity and therefore cognitive capability
to handle a regimen of daily study. There is flexibility built into the program since there
isn't a rigid or "set" curriculum to follow. To Learn More:
The Well Trained Mind — This refers to a method of teaching classical curriculum
that was outlined in the best-selling book,
The Well Trained Mind: A Parents' Guide to Classical Education
by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. For more information:
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