The Homeschool Glossary Section S
A Directory of Homeschool Terminology for the Totally Confused
Refers to the "Socialization Myth" -- a false belief that homeschoolers
will not be well-socialized.
The "S" stands for "socialization" which equates to a
"dirty" word among homeschoolers. That's because it is continuously
raised as the major objection to homeschooling despite
research studies
by the U.S. Department of Education and other public and private organizations
that indicate homeschoolers are better socialized than their school-going peers.
Saxon Math
Saxon publishes traditional math textbooks and workbooks that are popular with
many homeschoolers. The lessons are incremental, each one building upon the
concepts learned in previous lessons. There is lots of drill-and-practice review
work at the end of each chapter along with tests.
Scope and Sequence
Refers to a plan for a course of study that includes a range of skills and learning
objectives to be taught at each successive stage of the coursework or grade level.
(See also "Course of Study" entry.)
This term is usually used to describe homeschool support groups, organizations,
and publications that are not associated with a particular religious denomination.
In homeschool circles, the term is sometimes used interchangeably with the word
Singapore Math
The name of a popular K-12 math curriculum that was initially used in primary
schools in Singapore where it is NOT called "Singapore Math." The
term, "Singapore Math," came into use in the U.S.A. about the year
2000 when teachers, homeschoolers, and others started referring to the books
as "Singapore Math."
The American Heritage Dictionary defines socialization as "to bring under
government control." That's not what most people have in mind when they ask
homeschoolers, "But what about socialization?" They want to know how
homeschooled children will learn to interact socially in a civil way with other
people if they do not go to school.
Despite the concern, all research studies
to date, by the U.S. Department of Education as well as other public and private
organizations, finds that homeschoolers are BETTER SOCIALIZED than their peers
who attend school. That's because homeschoolers are not confined to interacting
only with their peers in an institution all day. They interact with a wide variety
of people in the real world. Their parents model appropriate social behavior and
provide plenty of social opportunities that include play, competitive experiences,
co-op classes, field trips and more.
Switched on Schoolhouse — An online correspondence course
(with a Christian perspective) that teaches students in grades 3-12 standard subjects
in an interactive, computer based, CD-ROM format with animation and special effects.
The core subjects are Bible, Language Arts, Math, History and Geography, and Science.
Electives are available separately.
Statement of Faith
In an effort to maintain cohesiveness, some Christian homeschooling support groups
require members to sign a statement indicating their agreement with the specific
religious tenets of the group.
Standardized Tests
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 requires standardized testing
in public schools to measure and compare students' knowledge of standardized
curriculum by grade level. Test results are used to determine funding for public
school programs.
Schools with good test results are rewarded with more funding.
is an incomplete list of the standardized tests required by various states. Some
(but not all) states require that private school students and homeschool students
take standardized tests. Standardized testing has been shown to be biased and
ineffective. Learn more at Students Against Testing.
Support Group
Refers to a group of homeschooling families who come together to share information,
resources, encouragement, and to provide cooperative educational and social activities
for the children. Most groups offer a "park day" once-a-week where families
gather; parents chat and kids play.
Some groups have a more organizational style with rules and membership dues, while
others are extremely casual without any formal structure at all. Support groups vary
widely - some are distinctly religious, some follow a particular homeschooling method
or style, and some are all-inclusive. There are also virtual homeschool support groups
that meet online via Internet forums or chat groups.
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