Homefires.com Introduces...
The Homeschool Therapist
A Groundbreaking Audio Course
To Help You Get the Cooperation You Need To Make The Most of Your Homeschool Experience
Family Therapist,
Michelle Barone, M.A., M.F.T.
with Homeschool Specialist,
Diane Flynn Keith
Homeschooling your child is an incredibly rewarding experience,
but sometimes you can run into unforeseen circumstances, challenges, or lack of cooperation
that makes it seem like you're standing still rather than moving forward.
This comprehensive audio course covers nearly every trial and
transition you'll come across as a homeschool parent. It offers practical advice
and solutions from well-trusted professionals with over 40 years of combined
homeschool and unschool experience that will ease your anxiety, help you get the
cooperation you need, and inspire you to make positive changes to improve the
journey for your family.
You will learn how to mitigate the unique challenges of homeschooling
and make informed decisions regarding your child's intellectual, social, and emotional
development within the homeschool environment. Each session is intended to mentor you
to be the engaged and informed parent you want to be regardless of the homeschool method
or style you prefer.
"It was helpful to know that other homeschoolers
have experienced problem behaviors and are able to overcome them. There was a great
deal of useful information. I enjoyed listening to the audio that has a well-presented,
supportive, and friendly format."
~ Jane Phillips
In the comfort of your own home, and in 10 one-hour sessions,
you will receive the answers to your homeschooling questions, concerns,
and challenges including:
- Understanding the Ages & Stages of Childhood Development
- Getting the Kids to Co-Operate Without Yelling, Nagging, or Tears
- How To Get the Support You Need From Spouse, Family & Friends
- How To Juggle Homeschooling Kids of Multiple Ages
- Homeschooling Teens: Transitions, Socialization, & The Empty Nest
- Working and Homeschooling for Couples or Singles
- Homeschool Support Group Dynamics: How To Find A Good Fit
- Homeschooling Through Crisis: Including Divorce, Serious Illness, or a Financial Meltdown.
- How to Prevent and/or Recover From Homeschool Burn Out
- Homeschooling Non-Traditional Families
Plus, when you purchase the entire audio course, you'll receive
a Resource Directory filled with information on relevant books, resources,
and websites that were mentioned in the sessions.
All 10 sessions feature expert advice from licensed family therapist,
Michelle Barone, M.A., M.F.T., and are hosted by Homeschool Specialist, Diane Flynn Keith.
Meet the Experts
Michelle Barone, M.A., M.F.T.
Michelle has worked with families and young children for over
28 years. She has been an infant-toddler, preschool, and parent educator, classroom
teacher for severely emotionally disturbed children, and educator for emotionally
disturbed adults.
For the last 20 years, Michelle has been a family therapist,
primarily working with families who practice attachment parenting and who homeschool
their children. Michelle's two young adult children were homeschooled their whole
Michelle contributed to The Homeschool Book of Answers,
edited by Linda Dobson, and is the author of Finding Your Way: Exploring Your
Family's Educational Journey.
Michelle is in private practice in Los Angeles, California. She
conducts parent education workshops, parenting groups, and private consultations. For
information about her services, visit www.michellebarone.com.
"Michelle Barone's discussion left me feeling
like I had a handle on how to care for my children in crisis. She also gave me tips
for making a plan for the unexpected. I learned that whatever does happen, it is
important to validate your children's feelings and reaffirm that they are safe,
despite circumstances. I think all homeschooling parents will benefit from listening
to this audio program."
~ Alycia Apostolides
Diane Flynn Keith, Homeschool Specialist
Diane began homeschooling her sons in 1992 and since then has spent
thousands of hours researching and finding valuable resources for homeschool families. She
has mentored and coached thousands of homeschool parents through her websites that include
Homefires.com and UniversalPreschool.com.
Diane is also the author or the rave-reviewed book, Carschooling,
as well as the publisher of popular homeschooling programs such as, Unschool Your Teen
Audio Seminar and Resource Guide, Homeschooling—California Style, and
The Basic Building Blocks for Homeschool Success. She is also the co-author of the
eBooks, Learning with Little Lulu Lemon and the Home Preschool Curriculum.
Diane is a popular speaker at homeschool conferences and has been a
distinguished presenter at professional development seminars for teachers.
Ten Jam-Packed Hours of Powerful Homeschooling Secrets -- Use Them Everywhere!
Here are the details on the
sessions that provide advice to help you get the cooperation you need to give your children
the joyful homeschool experience they deserve...
Session One:
Understanding the Ages & Stages of Childhood Development and How They Impact Homeschool Success
Find out how understanding the developmental stage your child is in (at any given
age) can help you to establish reasonable expectations and get the cooperation you
need. Discover how understanding your child's temperament and personality can improve
communication that leads the way to homeschool success.
"I've been struggling with my 7 year old, mostly
in non-homeschool areas. The Homeschool Therapist gave me new tools for my parenting
'toolbox,' and reminded me of ones I had forgotten about. Thank you!"
~ Kimberly Charron,
Nova Scotia
Session Two:
Getting the Kids to Co-Operate Without Yelling, Nagging, or Tears
Sometimes homeschool parents wind up battling with their children over doing schoolwork,
chores, or other activities. Find out how to diffuse battles and work to create a win-win
situation and peaceful coexistence in your family whether you homeschool or unschool.
Session Three:
How To Get the Support and Cooperation You Need From Spouse, Family & Friends
Do you and your spouse or partner disagree about what method of homeschooling to use? Do
your parents or other family members disapprove of homeschooling? Do your friends question
your decision to homeschool and urge you to send your kids to school? Get some proven tips
and strategies that you can implement right away to help you get the support and cooperation
you need.
"I'm very blessed to have listened to this
program. I was having a bad day with my kids who were not listening or doing
their assigned work. I've learned to listen more, be flexible, and be more present
rather than just assigning them work. Thank you very much."
~ Tawakalt Dania
Session Four:
How To Juggle Homeschooling Kids of Multiple Ages
If you are homeschooling more than one child you may struggle with getting schoolwork, chores,
and fun learning activities done. Your kids may be competing for your attention and arguing
or fighting. You may be worried about giving each child a fair share of your time. Get some
practical ideas to relieve anxiety over your own expectations, encourage family cooperation,
and deal with sibling rivalry that will improve everyone's attitude and behavior.
Session Five:
Homeschooling Teens: Transitions, Cooperation, Socialization, & The Empty Nest
There is more to homeschooling through the teen years than just preparing academic transcripts
for college. Teens may want opportunities to meet new people and have more experiences in the
real world. Teen flirtations and budding sexuality may set a new tone at Park Days. It can all
lead to anxiety for parents. Get some sound advice for improving cooperation and helping your
teen transition to adulthood. Learn about the emotions that accompany having an empty nest and
how to prepare for life beyond homeschooling.
Session Six:
Working and Homeschooling for Couples or Single Parents
Parents who work and homeschool face unique challenges and concerns. Explore different
work situations, the question of childcare, how to develop a support network, managing
time for learning activities, getting cooperation with family chores, and much more.
Session Seven:
Homeschool Support Group Dynamics — How To Find A Good Fit
Discover how to find a support group that's a good fit and how to make the most out of the
experience. Get useful solutions for dealing with differences of opinion on parenting styles,
homeschool methods, acceptable behavior at park days for children and parents, and much more.
Session Eight:
Homeschooling Through Crisis (Including Divorce, Serious Illness, or Financial Meltdown)
How can a family continue to homeschool through a crisis such as divorce, serious physical or
mental illness, a natural disaster, a financial meltdown, or even the death of a loved one.
We'll explore practical and creative solutions for dealing with loss, grief, despair,
embarrassment, and the confusion and chaos that can accompany great hardship. And you'll
discover that homeschooling can provide a very safe and nurturing foundation for dealing
with any crisis.
Session Nine:
How to Prevent and/or Recover From Homeschool Burn Out
Burn-out is the feeling that you are too exhausted, frustrated, anxious, unmotivated, or
unhappy to bring any enthusiasm or inspiration to your homeschooling days. You may be
filled with doubt and want to quit homeschooling. Get some realistic advice and simple
tips to recover from homeschool burn-out and prevent a recurrence.
"Although I was aware of my burn out, trying
to figure a way out of it was exhausting and stressful. I am already scaling back
our home schooling schedule. My son is happy, dad doesn't mind, other parents understand,
and I am relieved. Thank you!"
~ Isabelle Hidaka
Session Ten:
Homeschooling Non-Traditional Families
Some families have unusual situations or challenges that may make homeschooling more
complex such as homeschooling step-children, foster children, or an only child. You
may be a family that homeschools one child and sends another to public or private
school. Your child may have a learning difference that presents additional challenges.
You may care for elderly relatives at home and need ideas for balancing everyone's
needs. In this session, you'll get ideas and solutions to help you.

We KNOW that you have many demands on your time and that your
schedule isn't always predictable. We also know that your hands aren't always free to
take notes. That's why this audio course is so practical. You can listen to the
sessions whenever and wherever you want—and you can play them again and
again to remind yourself of important insights you gained.
Plus, when you purchase the entire Homeschool Therapist
Audio Course, you'll receive a Resource Directory (pdf) that
includes the books and websites mentioned on the calls...so you don't have to worry about
taking notes!
If you were to seek 10 hours of parenting advice from Michelle
Barone, M.F.T., and homeschool coaching from Diane Flynn Keith, it would cost you close to
$3,000! Now you can have all the answers to your homeschool questions, directly from
these well-respected experts, for a fraction of the cost.
We're offering The Homeschool
Therapist Audio Course including all 10 recorded sessions (mp3s) described
above, plus the Resource Directory (pdf) for the ground-breaking price
of $197.00!
With such a tremendous savings you owe it to yourself and your
family to invest in these resources and solutions that will give you peace of
mind, improve cooperation, and inspire and revitalize your homeschool experience.
And if only one or two of these sessions is relevant to
you, then you can purchase the audio recordings (mp3s) individually for only $24.97
each. It's a great way to get just the advice you want when you need it. (Note: The
individual audio sessions do not include the Resource Directory.)
Click on the course title below to order individual sessions now:
- Understanding the Ages & Stages of Childhood Development
- Getting the Kids to Co-Operate Without Yelling, Nagging, or Tears
- How To Get the Support You Need From Spouse, Family & Friends
- How To Juggle Homeschooling Kids of Multiple Ages
- Homeschooling Teens: Transitions, Socialization, & The Empty Nest
- Working and Homeschooling for Couples or Singles
- Homeschool Support Group Dynamics: How To Find A Good Fit
- Homeschooling Through Crisis: Including Divorce, Serious Illness, or a Financial Meltdown
- How to Prevent and/or Recover From Homeschool Burn Out
- Homeschooling Non-Traditional Families
The Homeschool Therapist Audio Course will improve the quality
of homeschooling for your family and is easily accessible as an electronic "green"
product. The audio recordings are delivered to you as downloadable MP3s. The Resource Guide
(available with the full Audio Course only) is delivered in a downloadable pdf format.
These are DRM-free MP3 files which can be played on any digital media player, including iPod,
iPhone, iPad, Zune, Zen, Sansa, and any computer with audio support.
When you make your purchase, you will receive instructions for how to download the materials.
Be sure to download the product to your computer within
24 hours of your purchase — before your unique password expires.
* Return Policy: Sorry, there are no cancellations, refunds, or returns on our
electronic products.
DISCLAIMER: Your use of this program constitutes your understanding that the information
contained herein is strictly for informational and educational purposes. It is not designed
to provide a mental health diagnosis, make any other recommendation, or replace the advice
and counsel of your health care provider.
2011 © All rights Reserved, Homefires